Ok, so we've been a little busy wrapping and ringing in some holiday cheer lately. What a great time for some guest blog posts!! Here's one from Nathan Brandal of Kirkland regarding the ever-so-passionate topic of creating an off-leash dog park in Kirkland. I think it's a great idea. Otherwise we'd have couch potato dogs all over town (photo left, I can't stop laughing at this pic!)
The way I see it-if all the dog folks went to one place and the people with kids went to another, then my kids wouldn't get pummelled by your dogs (or step in their dookie) and your dogs wouldn't get their eyes poked out by my kids. So I''ll keep my penaut butter out of your chocolate and you keep your chocolate out of my peanut butter! ~j
Read on--
Dear Kirkland,WA Residents,
Thank's to Jean,a resident and proud dog owner, Kirkland once again entered into the search to open up an Off Leash Dog Park for Kirkland. Our town has roughly 45,000 residents with about 40% owning at least one dog. Our advantage is not only Kirkland's ever growing love for man's best friend, but an abundance of beautiful parks. But there's not one single designated off leash area to be found, so many of us turn our local parks into unofficial off -leash areas.
We need a special place for dog lovers and dogs to socialize without the constraints of a leash!!
Here is the progress so far. A meetup group has been started and right now we have 69 members! But only so many are active. Please join us!!
KDOG (Kirkland Dog Off-Leash Group)has started an online petition to show the City Council we have strong support from Kirkland citizens. Please sign the petition!!
We have local business support from:
If you are a local business KDOG would love to have your support!!
We had our last meeting on December 10th at Dooleys Dog House. About 20 residents showed up and are eager to help out. We also learned a lot from Judy Trockel, the founder of the Marymoor Dog Park.
Please come join us-Kirkland,WA needs your support!!
Nathan B.
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