Finding a Cab in Kirkland Just Got Easier
Local Businesses Teetering on the Edge

Is our Hibernation (finally) Over?

Sunnykirkland08_026 When the sun beams down on Kirkland in April, we all stop what we are doing immediately and head for the outdoors.   How friggin' AWESOME was this Saturday??!!  Here's a little of Sunnykirkland08_015 what I observed-the car washes lined up, dogs proudly marched with their sunglass-ed owners, musicians strummed happy tunes in the parks, and children's hair whipped in the wind as parents cruised with all the windows down.  I saw an abundance of un-pedicured feet Sunnykirkland08_011 that were obviously caught off guard by the sandal-appropriate weather.  One set may have Sunnykirkland08_018 even been mine as I got in my first water-ski run of the season ;-).  Every cyclist and motorcycle took to the streets, the roads jammed up, classic cars came out, outdoor dining spots overflowed and you had wait in line 20 minutes for an ice cream.   Shorts and tank tops were prevalent and even the flowers perked up and stood tall to welcome the rays.   As I walked through town I just wanted to do cartwheels down Lake Street and belt out a happy song to welcome this weather and beg it and all the fun that it brings to stay. 

Firstski08_009_2 Sunnykirkland08_017_2 Please please please don't let it be another springtime teaser.   The false alarms are hard to take, but I guess I would settle for just one day now than none at all.  It was fun seeing you all out and about enjoying Kirkland today.  Enjoy the pics.  ~j


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I think the answer to your title question would be a resounding "no". :(

Just found your blog - nice work!

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